We always welcome new supporters but this month we are especially welcoming people that are visiting our web page after reading the charities article in the December copy of Vegan Life Magazine.
Hopefully you will find out everything you want to know about us but if you have any questions then please go to the ‘Contacts’ page and send us an email.
Our etsy shop has lots of nice things to buy as Christmas presents including our Sheep Sponsorship Scheme so why not take a look here.
Winter is an expensive season for us as we give the gang hay bales to make sure their tummys are full.
Our ‘Buy The Gang a Bale of Hay’ campaign last year was so successful in helping with our winter hay bill that we are launching it again for 2019.
If you buy a bale of hay then you will be tagged in the Facebook/Instagram post when it is delivered to the Gang so you get to see who eats it too!
If anyone would like to pay for a hay bale then please click on the ‘Buy a Bale’ link below where you can pay via PayPal or debit card. Each hay bale costs £5.
I’ve just been asked how do I cope when faced with animal cruelty cases …. My answer, I don’t. I am not any different to any other animal rescuer, I don’t put on a special cloke but I do put on a brave face and try to stay calm for the sake of the animals. Once home or away from the situation is when I break and the tears flow plus the wine comes out to dull the pain inside. Crying is a natural way to release emotions so in essence a coping mechanism just like the wine but the pain stays and with each case a little bit more of my heart and soul are chipped away.
Calmness hasn’t always been the case though and I have to work hard to stay calm nowadays too but it does allow me to step back and think for a few seconds without rushing in mouth first and jeopardising things for the animals. I do get concerned about the effect of all the worry and stress on my overall mental and physical health but you only live once, as they say, and when you’ve opened your eyes to animal abuse you can’t close them. That’s why if I don’t take your call or answer your message I’m not being rude but I’m having a bit of down time.
I also tell people that you can’t save them all and that Sheep Ahoy focus on helping the poorly, neglected sheep and lambs because they have no chance of any happiness. The lambs with their Mums at least have Mum for a few months but the orphans won’t have that comfort. The poorly sheep will struggle along with no treatment so by helping them eases their suffering. Sheep Ahoy can’t physically, logistically or financial help them all …. but maybe one day eh?
Seeing Belle & Rory chilled and happy makes it worthwhile.
I, Julia, have decided to start a Sheep Ahoy blog.
Things happen behind the scenes that you never get to hear about but I thought that you might like too ….. so here goes the first blog entry. I don’t know how regular the posts will be and the grammar may not be 100% but they will allow you to get a feel for life at Sheep Ahoy from the humans point of view.
Days are made up of routine planned tasks with lots of unplanned things packed in too. These can be funny, messy, emotional, tiring, tearful but most of all always needing to be done for the benefit of the sheep and goats boys.
So today I ran a stall on behalf of Sheep Ahoy at the Kent Vegan Festival. Luckily I had a helper on the stall and I’d kept things simple by only taking key stock so set up was pretty straightforward. A great day had by all but it didn’t stop there for me.
En route to the festival I’d stopped off to feed the lambs and to take them out to their day pen plus feed our horses. The lambs chose today to ignore my requests to follow me quickly and made the most of the fresh grass that lined their path to the pen. The result being I’m later getting to the festival than I’d planned!
Obviously their are more animals to tend to each day than just the lambs and so attending any event takes planning. This is when volunteers and friends come into play otherwise I’d be getting up at the crack of dawn to do all the animals before attending an event and then getting home late afterwards because of the evening checks too. So today others checked the fields for me plus gave the lambs their mid-day feed and, fortunately for the lambs, timed it right to put them back in the stable before the heaven’s opened. Although they have an outside shelter apparently it didn’t take much to convince them that they needed to go inside as my friend was nearly mowed down in the charge to the stable!
I still checked the lambs on my way home and once home walked Beau our pup before enjoying the food I’d bought at the festival so as not to cook tonight ….. before taking nice warm bottles of milk back up to the lambs for their night time bottles and routine. Unfortunately feeding the lambs and then all the little jobs I do once they’ve had their bottles had to be done in the dark as my phone torch was out of action and I couldn’t find a torch in my car ….. for those that have seen my car you’ll know why. This leads me onto the unlucky part of the day ….. dropping my mobile down the loo at the event! Well actually it did the classic falling out the back pocket trick and now doesn’t work. So that’s another phone I’ve broken and yes, I’ve tried drying it out in various ways to no avail – it’s never as simple as that for me and phones …. hubby says I should be a phone tester as I can break them so easily ….. I’m not impressed but there is one bonus, it’s very quiet!
On that note it’s late and time to sleep so nighty night from Elle, Princess, Peter, Bertie and Roo aka the lambs 🐑🐑
It’s time to introduce four new additions to the Sheep Ahoy family.
Meet Elle, Princess, Peter & Buddy aka Bertie depending on who calls him
Elle Lamb 2019Princess Lamb 2019
These beautiful babies have come in over the past month with Elle being the eldest and Buddy the youngest.
All with their own stories but all poorly and weak when they came into rescue but now doing well and enjoying life and the cuddles that it brings each day.
Peter Lamb 2019 … aka Peter RabbitBuddy Lamb 2019
Lambs are a constant worry as they are just like caring for any human baby and can come down with infections and tummy problems very easily so if we’ve seemed a bit preoccupied recently then this is the reason.
It’s time to introduce you to Grace and Jacob, the latest additions to the Sheep Ahoy family
Saved independently by separate rescuers from certain death alone these two babies came to us within days of each other.
They have both needed lots of care to make them strong and we hope that both continue to make good progress so as they can eventually join the rest of Oli’s Gang.
The sheep are literally jumping for joy today as our new website has gone live!
The website has been developed and is being hosted by Mind Failure who have both been supportive and patient with us during this project.
Rob Watson of Mind Failure has been extremely generous with his time which he has donated for free so Thank You from all at Sheep Ahoy Animal Rescue.
If you ever need help with web design then please contact Mind Failure as they are a very professional company that I have no hesitation in recommending.
This handsome boy who we have named Danny came to us after being saved from certain suffering and death by a kind lady.
Unable to walk properly due to a lameness issue he had been put in a field on his own by the farmer as unfit for market. Receiving no treatment he was found flat out on the cold ground and thought dead. The farmer agreed to hand the poor boy over to his rescuer and he was bedded down in the warm for the night before coming to us.
He’ll now receive all the veterinary treatment that he needs and lots of love and never be left on his own again.
15th November 2019
Vegan Life Magazine
We always welcome new supporters but this month we are especially welcoming people that are visiting our web page after reading the charities article in the December copy of Vegan Life Magazine.
Hopefully you will find out everything you want to know about us but if you have any questions then please go to the ‘Contacts’ page and send us an email.
Our etsy shop has lots of nice things to buy as Christmas presents including our Sheep Sponsorship Scheme so why not take a look here.
Thanks for your interest and support as always.
29th October 2019
Buy The Gang a Bale of Hay for £5
Winter is an expensive season for us as we give the gang hay bales to make sure their tummys are full.
Our ‘Buy The Gang a Bale of Hay’ campaign last year was so successful in helping with our winter hay bill that we are launching it again for 2019.
If you buy a bale of hay then you will be tagged in the Facebook/Instagram post when it is delivered to the Gang so you get to see who eats it too!
If anyone would like to pay for a hay bale then please click on the ‘Buy a Bale’ link below where you can pay via PayPal or debit card. Each hay bale costs £5.
Buy a Bale
Thank ewe from us all.
14th June 2019
A Very Important Message From Elvis!
Remember to UNMUTE the sound.
To go to the GoFundMe page please click on this link Sheep Ahoy Land Fund.
8th May 2019
Julia’s Blog: Coping
I’ve just been asked how do I cope when faced with animal cruelty cases …. My answer, I don’t. I am not any different to any other animal rescuer, I don’t put on a special cloke but I do put on a brave face and try to stay calm for the sake of the animals. Once home or away from the situation is when I break and the tears flow plus the wine comes out to dull the pain inside. Crying is a natural way to release emotions so in essence a coping mechanism just like the wine but the pain stays and with each case a little bit more of my heart and soul are chipped away.
Calmness hasn’t always been the case though and I have to work hard to stay calm nowadays too but it does allow me to step back and think for a few seconds without rushing in mouth first and jeopardising things for the animals. I do get concerned about the effect of all the worry and stress on my overall mental and physical health but you only live once, as they say, and when you’ve opened your eyes to animal abuse you can’t close them. That’s why if I don’t take your call or answer your message I’m not being rude but I’m having a bit of down time.
I also tell people that you can’t save them all and that Sheep Ahoy focus on helping the poorly, neglected sheep and lambs because they have no chance of any happiness. The lambs with their Mums at least have Mum for a few months but the orphans won’t have that comfort. The poorly sheep will struggle along with no treatment so by helping them eases their suffering. Sheep Ahoy can’t physically, logistically or financial help them all …. but maybe one day eh?
5th May 2019
Sheep Ahoy is Bloging!
I, Julia, have decided to start a Sheep Ahoy blog.
Things happen behind the scenes that you never get to hear about but I thought that you might like too ….. so here goes the first blog entry. I don’t know how regular the posts will be and the grammar may not be 100% but they will allow you to get a feel for life at Sheep Ahoy from the humans point of view.
Days are made up of routine planned tasks with lots of unplanned things packed in too. These can be funny, messy, emotional, tiring, tearful but most of all always needing to be done for the benefit of the sheep and goats boys.
So today I ran a stall on behalf of Sheep Ahoy at the Kent Vegan Festival. Luckily I had a helper on the stall and I’d kept things simple by only taking key stock so set up was pretty straightforward. A great day had by all but it didn’t stop there for me.
En route to the festival I’d stopped off to feed the lambs and to take them out to their day pen plus feed our horses. The lambs chose today to ignore my requests to follow me quickly and made the most of the fresh grass that lined their path to the pen. The result being I’m later getting to the festival than I’d planned!
Obviously their are more animals to tend to each day than just the lambs and so attending any event takes planning. This is when volunteers and friends come into play otherwise I’d be getting up at the crack of dawn to do all the animals before attending an event and then getting home late afterwards because of the evening checks too. So today others checked the fields for me plus gave the lambs their mid-day feed and, fortunately for the lambs, timed it right to put them back in the stable before the heaven’s opened. Although they have an outside shelter apparently it didn’t take much to convince them that they needed to go inside as my friend was nearly mowed down in the charge to the stable!
I still checked the lambs on my way home and once home walked Beau our pup before enjoying the food I’d bought at the festival so as not to cook tonight ….. before taking nice warm bottles of milk back up to the lambs for their night time bottles and routine. Unfortunately feeding the lambs and then all the little jobs I do once they’ve had their bottles had to be done in the dark as my phone torch was out of action and I couldn’t find a torch in my car ….. for those that have seen my car you’ll know why. This leads me onto the unlucky part of the day ….. dropping my mobile down the loo at the event! Well actually it did the classic falling out the back pocket trick and now doesn’t work. So that’s another phone I’ve broken and yes, I’ve tried drying it out in various ways to no avail – it’s never as simple as that for me and phones …. hubby says I should be a phone tester as I can break them so easily ….. I’m not impressed but there is one bonus, it’s very quiet!
On that note it’s late and time to sleep so nighty night from Elle, Princess, Peter, Bertie and Roo aka the lambs 🐑🐑
15th March 2019
Beautiful Lambs
It’s time to introduce four new additions to the Sheep Ahoy family.
Meet Elle, Princess, Peter & Buddy aka Bertie depending on who calls him
These beautiful babies have come in over the past month with Elle being the eldest and Buddy the youngest.
All with their own stories but all poorly and weak when they came into rescue but now doing well and enjoying life and the cuddles that it brings each day.
Lambs are a constant worry as they are just like caring for any human baby and can come down with infections and tummy problems very easily so if we’ve seemed a bit preoccupied recently then this is the reason.
We love them all … welcome to Sheep Ahoy
18th July 2018
Land Purchase Fund Launched
A Crowdfunding campaign has been launched to raise money to purchase land for the charity instead of continuing to rent it.
This will allow more animals to be helped and more visitors to be welcomed and be able to teach them about sheep, goats and veganism.
For more information on this campaign please go to our GoFundMe Fundraiser here.
7th April 2018
Lamb Love
It’s time to introduce you to Grace and Jacob, the latest additions to the Sheep Ahoy family
Saved independently by separate rescuers from certain death alone these two babies came to us within days of each other.
They have both needed lots of care to make them strong and we hope that both continue to make good progress so as they can eventually join the rest of Oli’s Gang.
15th March 2018
NEW Website is Launched!
The sheep are literally jumping for joy today as our new website has gone live!
The website has been developed and is being hosted by Mind Failure who have both been supportive and patient with us during this project.
Rob Watson of Mind Failure has been extremely generous with his time which he has donated for free so Thank You from all at Sheep Ahoy Animal Rescue.
If you ever need help with web design then please contact Mind Failure as they are a very professional company that I have no hesitation in recommending.
27th February 2018
New Resident at Sheep Ahoy
Meet the new member of Sheep Ahoy.
This handsome boy who we have named Danny came to us after being saved from certain suffering and death by a kind lady.
Unable to walk properly due to a lameness issue he had been put in a field on his own by the farmer as unfit for market. Receiving no treatment he was found flat out on the cold ground and thought dead. The farmer agreed to hand the poor boy over to his rescuer and he was bedded down in the warm for the night before coming to us.
He’ll now receive all the veterinary treatment that he needs and lots of love and never be left on his own again.
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